Monday 10 May 2010

Hooray again...

First feedback about the book is coming in - and it is making my day, all the positive comments on the book. Add that to just having had a wonderful weekend, and I'm feeling a lot like taking the day off for celebrating and relaxing. But, alas, that is not possible - there's too much work forming interestingly-shaped heaps both in my brain and on my desk, waiting more or less patiently for my attention.

So... no partying on, except in spirit, but instead preparing for the final analysis step of the Forum 2009 experiment, preparing stuff for Forum 2010, and doing a myriad other things too... one after the other.

If you are looking for me and can't find me, just watch out for a moving heap of work - I'm probably buried beneath that and having a quiet snack on emergency chocolate...

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